Singing Guide: feat. Justin Bieber

Singing Guide: feat. Justin Bieber

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you are looking to learn how to sing like and Justin Bieber, you're in luck! The duo has collaborated on multiple successful tracks that showcase their distinct styles. In this article, we will explore the unique vocal techniques of both singers and provide practical tips and helpful resources to help you learn to sing like them. has a distinctive singing style that is characterized by his use of rapping and vocal distortion. One of his most well-known tracks is "Scream & Shout" featuring Britney Spears, where he showcases both of these techniques. To learn to sing like, try focusing on rap-style phrasing and experimenting with vocal distortion. Singing Carrots' article on vocal distortion and growling is a great resource to get started. Additionally, try practicing your chest voice and using the glottal onset technique, as tends to use this approach in his singing. You can also try the singing comfort zone exercise video to help with navigating your chest voice effectively.

Justin Bieber has a different vocal style than, characterized by his smooth, pop vocals with occasional use of falsetto. One of his most popular songs with is "#thatPOWER," where he showcases both his pop and falsetto qualities. To learn to sing like Justin Bieber, it is important to have a good understanding of your vocal range. Singing Carrots' vocal range test can help you determine your vocal range and give you an idea of where to start. Additionally, focus on breath support and active breathing when practicing, as these skills are essential for controlling your voice and singing in a smooth, pop style. Check out the article on breath support for more guidance.

In conclusion, practicing techniques such as rap-style phrasing, vocal distortion, chest voice, glottal onset, breath support, and active breathing can help you learn to sing like and Justin Bieber. Be sure to explore Singing Carrots' resources, including the articles and exercises linked in this prompt, and don't forget to have fun along the way!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.